901 New York Ave, NW, Suit 300 East, Washington DC, 20001
What We Do

The IACA addresses these corruption issues in a variety of ways.

First, the IACA serves as a filter and secure conduit of information received from concerned and interested parties to appropriate United States law enforcement and other interested agencies. Such information is augmented by the results of our own investigations.

Second, the IACA serves as a sponsor and advocate for policy, legislative and regulatory changes designed to better protect the integrity of United States foreign aid intended to promote democracy as well as to provide a level playing field for U.S. companies operating internationally.

Third, the IACA is empowered to make reports of its findings to various arms of the U.S. Government, including The White House, the United States Congress, the Departments of Justice and State, as well as the various U.S. Intelligence Agencies.

Individuals intending to provide information to the IACA should be encouraged by the U.S. Government’s broad authority to safeguard its funds spent around the world.

Moreover, U.S. law enforcement agencies are empowered to "follow the money." All international electronic transactions in U.S. dollars are routed through a U.S. correspondent bank before the dollars find their final destination. Because "the eagle sleeps at home," U.S. agencies have the ability to bring criminal charges in the U.S. against foreign nationals involved in transactions which are shrouded in secrecy thousands of miles away.

IACA will have offices in Europe, Asia, Middle East, South America and Africa.

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The IACA is planning the opening of satellite offices in Ukraine, Kenya, Angola and The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Individuals who are interested in managing these offices are encouraged to apply as indicated below.

Selection criteria include:
  • A four year college degree,
  • 5 years work experience in management, law, accounting, public advocacy or government service,
  • A demonstrated commitment to either public service or integrity in government,
  • The ability to pass a comprehensive background investigation.

Salary is negotiable and commensurate with experience.

Leadership and Structure
Dennis Kinley
Managing Director

Mr. Kinley began his career with the U.S. Secret Service, where he served as a Special Agent in Charge, Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Inspector, Assistant to the Special Agent in Charge and Special Agent. This part of his career involved leading and directing Presidential and Vice Presidential protective operations domestically and internationally. He also conducted and directed global criminal investigations and sensitive internal investigations.

Bill McMurry
Member of the board

Bill McMurry served with the FBI as a Special Agent for 24 years before retiring in 2020. Mr. McMurry is considered an expert in complex international investigations concerning allegations of corruption, money laundering and organized crime. Mr McMurry served for five years as the supervisor of the FBI's New York Division's International Corruption Squad. Mr. McMurry also served as the Unit Chief of the International Corruption Unit, FBI HQ. Mr. McMurry supervised several extremely high profile international corruption investigations involving billions of dollars in diverted funds by corrupt officials from countries all over the world. During his FBI career and through his current position, Mr. McMurry has trained, advised and worked closely with numerous anti-corruption units and prosecutors throughout Eastern Europe, Asia, the Middle East and South America. He has worked closely with, has provided and is currently providing training to members of Ukraine’s NABU and SAP. Mr. McMurry is the CEO of W1 Global https://w1-global.com a US based professional services advisory firm and is the Director of Global Strategy and Federal Programs of its sister entity, 5 Stones intelligence https://5stonesintelligence.com a contract service provider to multiple US government agencies.

Michael Gaeta
Member of the board

A 24-year veteran of the FBI, Mike has extensive experience conducting and directing complex transnational investigations. His background is comprehensive and rooted in multi-defendant, high value investigations of sophisticated financial frauds, international money laundering, bribery, organized crime, institutionalized corruption, labor racketeering, cyber enabled crime, predatory criminal activity, as well as national security and internal threat matters.